Weddings….what can we do during Covid-19 and beyond?
So let’s talk weddings. And as I write during this time of a pandemic, I am aware that many of you have planned weddings for last year and this year and all your plans have had to be cancelled. It must be devastating and incredibly disappointing. Nevertheless, there are always paths around a problem, and solutions can be found.
In the last 12 months the wedding industry has had to find ways to adapt and pivot their services to help people try at least to celebrate in a small way their nuptials. And out of this situation the term micro-weddings has emerged. And what is a micro-wedding you may ask?
In a nutshell it is exactly what it says on the tin, it’s a micro-wedding, and under the current Covid-19 rules and those rules that have been changing as fast as you can imagine, this means that you can accommodate possibly a maximum of 15 guests in an appropriate space or venue.
Now I know you may have dreamt of something bigger and something more glamorous and you sent out your invitations and found the venue, booked the caterers, designed the cake and had to cancel the lot. Frustration and upset doesn’t even begin to describe the situation.
So many wedding professionals be they planners’, celebrants, and venues have come up with a way to at least help you mark the occasion, even if you haven’t had the opportunity to go to your registry office to obtain a wedding licence. Remember you don’t need a wedding licence to get married with a celebrant. This licence can be obtained at any time and only requires you to book an appointment at your local registry office, pay your fee. It takes 10 minutes and two witnesses, and away you go. This is commonly known as a 2 by 2 for want of a better description!
So in the spirit of being able to celebrate and at least have some kind of ceremony to show the world your commitment to each other, we can look at designing a micro-wedding.
Although numbers are restricted, and the space requires a little bit more room for less people you can still have something that is truly memorable beautiful and more than a happy occasion. And with spring and summer on the way you can start to look at outdoor venues which can be truly fantastic and very inspiring to create something that special and unique.
And if in the meantime you choose to go in this direction, that still gives you time to save up and have something bigger when the world opens up restriction free. This also means you can look at planning something for 2021 going into 2022. So a little light at the end of what seems to be a very long tunnel.
I cannot wait to start discussing how to create your beautiful and unique wedding, contact me and we can start looking at what options there are right now.

Images in order: Tirachard Kumtanom, Wallace Araujo, Jonathan Borba, Brianna Swank